Be Involved and Become a Volunteer

Christian radio is a “Media Mission” which promotes the gospel message to reach hearts and change lives, ministering hope and encouragement to all.

Rhema Wide Bay has many ways for you to get involved. We invite your prayer support as we promote God’s Kingdom, or perhaps you have some skills lying idle that you could share with the community?

Are you called to assist us in our day to day production work?

We have vacancies in our admin, announcing, programming and PR teams. Why not become a volunteer here at Rhema Wide Bay?

Ways to become involved:

  • Fill out contact form below,(Feel free to include your phone number below if you wish to be called).
  • You can call the station,
  • You can E-Mail the station,

If you want help filling out the form below call the station and one of our members will guide you through the process.

Volunteer Application Form

Email [email protected] or call us on (07) 4124 2024 to volunteer.
