1051 Rhema Wide Bay Membership

Here at Rhema Wide Bay membership is very important. Money raised not only supports the day to day costs involved with running a station, it lets the people volunteering at the station know that they are supported by the community.

Some of the Benefits of being a member are:

  • To share Gods word across the local listening area.
  • To bring hope for people in our community.
  • Participate at meetings including the ability to vote.
  • That Gift to God will allow Rhema Wide Bay to promote his word throughout the local and wider community.

Membership is open to those 18 years or more, who agree with our ‘Statement of Faith’. New members, please Fill out the ‘Statement of Faith’ form below and Wait for Approval before paying Membership amount.

Membership statement of faith

Email [email protected] or call us on (07) 4124 2024 for our statement for faith.

Membership amounts

To become a new member, you need to fill out the Statement of Faith and once approved pay your corresponding amount using the Bank Details below.

If you need help just call the office on,

  • Phone: (07) 4124 2024
  • Mobile: 0480424356

    Wide Bay Rhema General Fund.

    For Membership, Sponsorship, and non-tax-deductible donations.

    • BSB: 124 088
    • Account No: 22844959
    • Reference: Your full name

    Membership Amounts

    Membership amounts are listed below. Please be sure to use your full name as your reference.

    • Individual $35
    • Individual Concession $20

Support Rhema Wide Bay through Prayer

The most important way you can support Rhema Wide Bay is always through your prayers! Please keep this vital ministry in your prayers as we continue to reach the lost throughout the Wide Bay community and beyond, by pointing them to Jesus through Christian Radio.

Running Back To You

Seph Schlueter