Donate to 1051 Rhema Wide Bay

Rhema Wide Bay is a powerful evangelical tool reaching into the lives of people, touching their hearts through the love of God.

Research has shown that 98% of listeners feel that their Christian Community Radio station provides a positive benefit to themselves and their families. Please consider supporting our ministry financially.

Rhema Wide Bay is a non for profit incorporated association and receives no government funding. A portion of the income needed is provided by our sponsors and memberships. Another portion of income comes from donations.

All donations over $2.00 made to 1051 Rhema Wide Bay are tax deductible. Your Tax deductible donation will help us to continue to spread God’s Word.

Donations can be made by cash, cheque, credit card and EFTPOS. Please complete the form below.

Thank you for your support- it is much appreciated!

Email [email protected] to donate.

How we're funded

Rhema Wide Bay is to be a self-funded organization, with no financial support from any levels of government. We rely on our members and other supporters for two types of income:


Membership, Sponsorship



Donations can be tax-deductible or non-tax-deductible.

Only Donations to our Development Fund are tax-deductible.

Donations to our General Fund are not tax-deductible.

If you prefer to donate the old fashioned way please use the following accounts:

Wide Bay Rhema General Fund.

For Membership, Sponsorship, and non-tax-deductible donations.

  • BSB: 124 088
  • Account No: 22844959
  • Reference: Your name or invoice number

Wide Bay Rhema Development Fund.

For tax-deductible donations

  • BSB: 124 088
  • Account No: 22844960
  • Reference: Your name

Support Rhema Wide Bay through Prayer

The most important way you can support Rhema Wide Bay is always through your prayers! Please keep this vital ministry in your prayers as we continue to reach the lost throughout the Wide Bay community and beyond, by pointing them to Jesus through Christian Radio.

God Be The Glory

We Are Messengers