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To help you find that place where you feel at home in Gods presence Rhema Wide Bay has put together a list of Churches in your local area.
Showing churches in All Locations
Location: Hervey Bay
Bayside Christian Church
- Address
- 18 Neils St, Pialba QLD 4655
- Phone
- 1300 422 373
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Location: Childers
Childers Grace Lutheran Church
- Address
- Church 226 Churchill St, Childers QLD
- Phone
- (07) 4121 3743
Location: Childers
Childers Wesleyan Methodist Church
- Address
- 6 Broadhurst St (cnr Broadhurst and Cevn Streets) Childers
- Phone
- 0438 770 890
Location: Hervey Bay
Fraser Coast Baptist Church
- Address
- 175 Urraween Rd, Urraween QLD 4655
- Phone
- (07) 4128 4014
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Location: Hervey Bay
Hervey Bay Baptist Church
- Address
- 20 Nikenbah Dundowran Rd, Nikenbah QLD 4655
- Phone
- (07) 4124 7200
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Location: Hervey Bay
Hervey Bay Church of Christ
- Address
- 27 Neils St, PialaQLD 4655
- Phone
- (07) 4194 5916
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Location: Hervey Bay
Hervey Bay Gospel Chapel
- Address
- 44 Hunter St, Pialba QLD 4655
- Phone
- (07) 4124 7050
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Location: Hervey Bay
Pathway Church
- Address
- 31 Plantation St, Dundowran, Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia
- Phone
- 0419 697 723
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Location: Hervey Bay
Presbyterian Church
- Address
- 5 Denmans Camp Rd, Scarness QLD 4655
- Phone
- (07) 4124 7018
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Location: Hervey Bay
Salvation Army Hervey Bay
- Address
- 11 Robertson Street Urangan QLD 4655
- Phone
- (07)4124 1499
Location: Hervey Bay
St Johns Anglican Parish
- Address
- Doolong Rd, Wondunna QLD 4655
- Phone
- (07) 4124 1499
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Location: Hervey Bay
Hervey Bay Uniting Church
- Address
- Tavistock St & Exeter St, Torquay QLD 4655
- Phone
- (07) 4125 5233
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Location: Maryborough
Life Church
- Address
- 20 Main Street Bauple Qld 4650
- Phone
- (07) 4129 2787
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Location: Maryborough
Maryborough Apostolic Church
- Address
- 95 Banana St, Granville, QLD 4650
- Phone
- (07) 4121 2835
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Location: Maryborough
Maryborough Baptist Church
- Address
- 168 Fort Street, Maryborough QLD 4650
- Phone
- (07) 4121 3316
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Location: Maryborough
Door of Hope Church
- Address
- 569 Kent Street, Maryborough Queensland 4650
- Phone
- (07) 4121 6822
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Location: Maryborough
Maryborough Family Church
- Address
- 190 Neptune St, Maryborough QLD 4650
- Phone
- (07) 4122 2832
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Location: Maryborough
Life Church
- Address
- 68 Gayndah Road, Maryborough QLD
- Phone
- (07) 4122 4415
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Location: Maryborough
Maryborough Presbyterian Church
- Address
- 523 Alice St, Maryborough QLD 4650
- Phone
- 0409 574 398
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Location: Maryborough
Reach Church
- Address
- Corner Alice and Fort Street, Maryborough QLD
- Phone
- (07) 4121 3242
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Location: Maryborough
Salvation Army Maryborough
- Address
- 100 Bazaar Street Maryborough QLD 4650
- Phone
- (07) 4121 3643
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Location: Hervey Bay
New Life Christian Church
- Address
- 225 Main St, Urraween QLD 4655
- Phone
- (07) 4124 0913
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Location: Maryborough
Powerhouse Church
- Address
- Cnr Tooley and Kent Streets, Maryborough Queensland 4650
- Phone
- 0457 080 864
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Location: Maryborough
Red Dirt Church
- Address
- 115 Steindl Street, Granville QLD 4650
- Phone
- 0408 734 068
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Location: Maryborough
Richmond St Community Church
- Address
- 90-92 Richmond St, Maryborough QLD 4650
- Phone
- (07) 4121 3492
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Location: Childers
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
- Address
- 1 Stewart Street, Childers QLD 4660
- Phone
- (07) 4126 1256
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Location: Hervey Bay
St James Lutheran Church
- Address
- 138-172 Pantlins Ln, Urraween QLD 4655
- Phone
- (07) 4128 5554
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Location: Hervey Bay
St Joseph Catholic Church Hervey Bay
- Address
- 22 Torquay Rd, Pialba QLD 4655
- Phone
- (07) 4124 3334
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Location: Maryborough
St Matthew’s Lutheran Church
- Address
- 60 John St South, Maryborough QLD
- Phone
- (07) 4121 3743
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Location: Maryborough
St Paul’s Anglican Church
- Address
- Cnr Lennox and Ellena St, Maryborough, Qld 4650
- Phone
- (07) 4121 4745
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Location: Maryborough
St Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Address
- 111 Woodstock St, Maryborough QLD
- Phone
- (07) 4123 4200
Location: Maryborough
St Stephen’s Uniting Church
- Address
- Corner Sussex Street & John Street, Maryborough QLD
- Phone
- 0428 598 309
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Location: Tiaro
Tiaro Uniting Church
- Address
- 19 Mungar Street, Tiaro QLD 4650
- Phone
- 0428 598 309
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Location: Maryborough
Tinana Christian Church
- Address
- 115 Gympie Road, Tinana QLD 4650
- Phone
- (07) 4122 4300
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Location: Maryborough
Victory Church
- Address
- Corner Saltwater Creek Rd and Fazio Rd, Maryborough QLD
- Phone
- (07) 4123 2711
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